Run Fast For Your Mother

Hello Hello

We have just received our due date,  ’tis April 17th so less than a month from today. We are going to college soon. We all were accepted and we decided to go to Brown together…hah weird. Brian and I are skipping senior year. Uncle Eddie Martin got us in and orientation is March 29th. We are excited and I’m bringing the Netflix. Other things we are working on is going out into the town forest with portal hairdryers melting the snow. We are working on scheduling the end of the second obstacle course with people and megaphones et cetera. These are the big months, we know that but being the most self-sufficient crew…we got this. Obstacle course will be the key to the “V”. Matt Damon once said “We cross and re-cross our tracks like figure skaters so do not forget the people you stepped on…friends make very good enemies”


I’m a big fan of Lorde…we’re on each other’s team.


Oscar the Shark Slayer


Today will be a shorty but full of fun stuff. We are knee deep in editing and discussing plans for the obstacle course. We had a terrific February. And remember “If you are out of breath after lip-syncing…you are doing it right”

“Kings And Queens”

Into the night
Desperate and broken
The sound of a fight
Father has spoken.We were the kings and queens of promise
We were the victims of ourselves
Maybe the children of a lesser God
Between Heaven and Hell,
Heaven and Hell.

Into your eyes
Hopeless and taken
We stole our new lives
Through blood and name
In defense of our dreams
In defense of our dreams

We were the kings and queens of promise
We were the victims of ourselves
Maybe the children of a lesser God
Between Heaven and Hell,
Heaven and Hell.

The age of man is over
A darkness comes at dawn
These lessons that we’ve learned here
Have only just begun

We were the kings and queens of promise
We were the victims of ourselves
Maybe the children of a lesser God
Between Heaven and Hell.

We are the kings
We are the queens
We are the kings
We are the queens


“Bro, do you even science?”


Oh The Night’s Coming Again

I said a hip a hop a hibby, a hibby to the hip hip-hop and you don’t stop.

Sorry I am so hip I have to remind myself sometimes. So we are about to embark on the film journey that is commonly referred to ask February Break. We have 4 scenes in the school that we need to film over break and one at the Dedham pool. The scene at the Dedham pool is key and we are going in with nothing and hoping it goes well. For our movie we cannot film our AP Health scenes in the health room because apparently people need to learn how to “drive”…please my father just told me that stop signs are suggestions and yellow means go faster. Anyway, we will be using Mrs. Lerner’s room for the new health room–we inserted Mr. Balkus into the movie to explain why we are in a different room. We are de-mathifying Mrs. Lerner’s room and using posters and human body replicas for healthify it. Cupcakes, dogs, and diving gear are all on the list for art direction now. We get it done. In summary, I think I heard this on NPR but sometimes they speak in a different language, “Leaving is something that actually stays forever and airport goodbyes are a wonder of the world…and yellow toothpaste is a terrible idea no matter how much you like lemons.”

Adieu Fellow Compadres


Straight Up We Ballin’

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears. I know a women who puts ears in pies so I thought I would help her out.

Strawberry is currently labeling footage and editing the scenes that we have already accomplished. We have successfully filmed six scenes. The last two we filmed were in the guidance office with Mrs. Conley. She played our concerned guidance counselor and she killed it. She has this sand in her room that does not stick but still molds…oh my. Sorry back to the movie. We are looking to go to Brown soon we are just working on scheduling that excursion. We have an art direction meeting next week with the best art direction crew out there and we are going to begin to brainstorm ideas for the obstacle course.  We are ready to take on that challenge. Like Uncle Craig said to his dog this one time after work, “If the ground is slippery, take short choppy steps, but don’t be afraid to slip cause your dreams work the same way”

Dance first think second…it’s the natural order.

Peace Out.Space-Universe-395

The snowball effect is becoming the trend…

What up, what up my brothers and sisters of this spherical blue planet of ours?

Strawberry crew absolutely dominated the midyear week. We filmed four scenes of the exam week, two at Kody’s palace in the basement otherwise known as Kampper’s lair and the two AP classroom scenes with Mrs. Walleston. Both required tremendous amounts of props and preparing. The classroom scenes were so important everybody was very anxious to get started but with the loss of a few balloons and an entire limbo set shattered they came out phenomenal. We move to create magic on the editing board now and our next scene will be with Mrs. Conely on Thursday. As the jackrabbit once said to the giant moth:   ” If windex is not safe to drink then why do we eat the granola bars made by the same company” 

Until next time…

Photo on 2014-01-29 at 09.19


Kody’s Blog

Here we are another year has begun and new directions are discovered.

We have made a big decision, and with heavy hearts we have decided to part with Mr. O’Toole as Ricky’s guidance counselor. That was tough. We will soon be attending Sir Kody McCann’s house to film Mr. Kampper’s “lair” which will be much sketch and very creepy. We have also decided that Mr. Kampper will not change his attire the entire movie to better enhance his weirdness. We are Knee Deep in filming and everybody has a lot going on but we will weather the storm and clear skies and smooth sailing is ahead. Like my great cousin sometimes said “In my opinion, lead pain is safe to drink” (he will remain nameless).

Peace out hommies

Strawberry swag…

Greetings people of the Republic

With fingers Frozen and 21 Pilots we continue our journey to greatness. We are moving to films our large scenes shortly. It just so happens that in AP Health, we have a lot of big scenes compared to “quick” scenes. That requires more planning for each and every scene. Jimmy is hard at work creating the greatest score since Amadeus. Brian found this new band and is beginning to memorize his lines. Steph broke her mirror in her house and has cut up the glass with safely scissors and glued the fragments onto a balloon…disco ball time. Ash is digging through the trash looking for inspiration (the electronic trash). Mike is pondering the mysteries of the universe. I, Kody McCann am blogging the crap out of this clicking/ticking computer. That is a little update for y’all and remember…”like my Father always said: ‘Shut up, Shut up, I can’t hear the radio'”   

Peace out my home brothas and sistas

Stormy Days in Strawberry Land

Hey there, It’s Baby here excited to get you updated on what has been happening in the world of Strawberry Crew.  We did have an elaborate plan to put the finishing touches on one of our most important scenes.  Unfortunately though, our crew has been plagued (literally), yes Both Ashley and I are quite sick which hindered our goals of finishing.  Followed by the poor weather that Mother Nature has given us today we were unable to build our largest prop, and unable to film anything.  Although luck does not appear to be on our side we all are still remaining positive and finding other ways to spend our time.  Jimmy is killing it making some amazing music for our movie.  Ashley is working on a major piece of our art direction and planning out her design.  Kody, Steph and Mike are all also very busy in doing things to make the movie making process run more smoothly.

On a high note Strawberry has been a powerhouse in music trivs, averaging around seven points a game.  New players have come into their own and have begun to dominate.  Jimmy our leading scorer is on lock with every Pink Floyd and Led Zepplin songs.  I personally have scored more points this year than I did all of last year combined, so you could say I have improved.  Kody, Steph, and Ashley who are both a little better than me are providing great support to Jimmy in getting most of the songs that come there way.  Kody out of no where pulls out Shakira in less than 5 seconds (WOW), followed by me saying “I could be Shakira if I wanted too”.  Which is still true, I could be Shakira.  Although we are currently in third place with 26 points, we are an unstoppable machine and will soon take second, immediately followed by first.

Well, Until Next Time,

Strawberry Crew

The Grind

Greetings earthlings,

We are Strawberry crew and this just so happens to be our second blog.  We having been filming for a few weeks now but we encountered a problem with stolen props.  The Parks and Cemeteries department of Walpole thought that the tires and cargo net that we stacked by the trail was delinquent refuse so they removed it.  The process of returning the tires to us was arduous and drawn out but we have them and they are in safe keeping —  fear not, we are back at it.  An exciting revelation was learning that Mr. Kampper knows all of his lines and is very excited to be apart of this movie—his attitude is refreshing and gets us all pumped when he nails his line. Being isolated from the other film makers, we are thriving and everyday, at least one important aspect of our movie is completed.  As my grandfather used to say “when the cat goes meow, the tiger hesitates to roar.” We love what we do…nuff said.


We are Strawberry.

Hello world. I’m Jimmy, we are the Strawberry Crew, and we make movies. All returning from at least 1 year of experience, our supergroup of a crew is made up of Director Ashley, Assistant Director Kody, Director and Actor Brian, Art Director Steph, Production Assistant Mike, and myself, Director and Music Composer.Photo on 11-20-13 at 12.20 PM #3

Having started early, we have done most of the pre-production and shooting is already underway. We have already also managed to hit a minor speed bump of our obstacle course equipment being confiscated by the Walpole Public Works Department, because apparently the Town Forest is no longer a public forest, it is (AND I QUOTE) “a managed wood lot”. But we’re getting all of it back, so it’s all good.

We got that Strawberry Swag. You will be hearing from us in the future.

-The Strawberry Crew